Business Insurance

Michigan’s Business Insurance Specialists

Through our agency in Wyandotte, Michigan, you can obtain business insurance to protect your company's finances. We work closely with customers at Downriver Insurance Group powered by CG: Todd Hanna to meet their needs. You can rely on our insurance company to improve your business-related coverage. Please schedule a consultation today by calling us at 734-201-1387 or 734-231-4914.

Business Owners 

Business property and liability insurance are combined into one practical policy through a business owner's policy (BOP). We'll collaborate with you to provide coverage that guards your company against various threats.

Real Estate Insurance

Real estate insurance is the first category. Property insurance protects against hazards related to your company's buildings, tools, and vehicles. It frequently also involves any related commercial loss.

Liability Insurance

Liability insurance is the second kind. Damage to the individuals and property you deal with is covered by liability insurance.

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Small business owners are protected by retailer insurance against unforeseen costs like having to close due to property damage temporarily. Retailer insurance may also cover commercial crimes like losing or stealing confidential employee and customer information and counterfeit checks.

House icon | Wyandotte, MI | Downriver Insurance Group powered by CG Insurance: Todd Hanna

Workers Compensation

Workers' compensation insurance covers employees hurt at work or in car accidents while conducting business. Injuries sustained during a career are also covered. We'll collaborate with you to identify a solution that makes the workplace safer and more effective.

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Fleet Insurance

Fleet insurance allows business owners to safeguard their investments while allowing employees to use any car whenever they choose. It also covers losses from an employee using a corporate vehicle on third-party property.

Business Auto

We can assist you in putting in place customized coverage that will safeguard your company and personal assets from the extra exposure that commercial cars carry with them, whether you have one vehicle or a large fleet.


Commercial trucking insurance must cover a wider variety of hazards than standard auto insurance, including more significant risks. Because a truck can significantly impact a collision, the potential costs of property damage and medical expenses are higher. You'll also need to be protected against possible cargo loss or damage. Our team can ensure you have the right coverage.

Business Insurance Quote Form

Need more information about any of our business insurance coverage options? Call our team at 734-201-1387.

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